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To me, photography is another world and dimension of exploration.
There’s so much to learn and an infinite number of things to discover.


Whether it be people or places, I love the rawness of life and I love capturing its beauty and even in the eyes of others-the ugly. It is made up of rich elements of weaved crossed sections of colours.

The camera is the most wonderful device ever invented as it is the panoramic window of a photographer’s vision. It is able to freeze time, the moment and the essence of something that you may never encounter or see again.


Through my viewfinder, I see the world the way it is-in vivid colours. I rarely shoot in black and white but when I do I make sure it is with intent. As some people see in black and white, I evidently see in colour. I’m in love with colour. I strongly believe that it has a language of its own and I use it to speak through my photos.


Our subconscious minds transition colours into personal meanings and triggers feelings.
That is why I use not just objects or composition to captivate viewers. I use colour to capture their attention. To live in a world with no colour would be my nightmare.

I’m not the best at expressing through words but as how the cliché saying goes “A picture paints a thousand words”. In my perspective, “photos go beyond words as they speak for themselves”.

It is my output, my tool, an extension of who I am
for expression. More and more, I find myself submerged in this fascination.
                                                           -Ellian Marie


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